摘 要:IGBT 作为功率转换、功率控制的新型器件,已广泛应用于变频空调、电磁炉、电饭煲等产品。鉴于成本压力,在通流能力保持不变的前提下,IGBT 将变得更小更薄。工艺上不论是给晶圆代工厂还是封装代工厂,都是极大地挑战。本文主要通过对沟槽栅FS-IGBT 芯片封装后,HTRB 上机时出现漏电增长的问题进行调查分析,澄清在芯片设计不变的前提下,找出HTRB 失效的解决方法。
中图分类号:TN322.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0025-05
Investigation and Analysis on Failure of FS-IGBT HTRB in Trench Gate
LIANG Saichang,SHI Bo,JIANG Wei,AO Libo
(Gree Electric Appliances,Inc. of Zhuhai,Zhuhai 519070,China)
Abstract:IGBT is the new type device for power converting and controlling. It is extensively used in inverter air conditioner, induction cooker,electric cooker,and so on. Given the cost pressures,the IGBT will become smaller and thinner while the flow capacity remains unchanged. Whether it is for wafer substitutes or packaging substitutes,the process is a great challenge. This paper mainly investigates and analyses the problem of leakage growth when HTRB is on the computer after the groove gate FS-IGBT chip is encapsulated,clarifies the solution of HTRB failure under the premise of unchanged chip design.
Keywords:trench FS-IGBT;HTRBF;leakage detection
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作者简介:梁赛嫦(1989.09-),女,汉族,广东江门人, 功率半导体产品开发工程师,学士,研究方向:封装工艺研究、产 品导入、封装制程失效分析。