摘 要:针对现有检定规程无法检定发射率固定的辐射温度计的问题,提出一种基于等效辐射源替代法的方案。结合带通辐射温度计的特点,建立辐射温度计测量模型,基于辐射温度计接收光谱有效亮度相等的前提下,结合测量模型得出利用现有有效发射率为0.995 的黑体辐射源来等效替代发射率为0.95 的辐射源的计算公式,并计算出各个校准点下替代源的理论温度值。
中图分类号:TH811 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0029-03
Research on Calibration Method of Radiation Thermometer Based on Alternative Radiation Source Replacement Method
ZHAO Danxia,DU Wenlan
(Taizhou Institute of Metrology Technology,Taizhou 318000,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that the existing verification procedures can not verify the radiation thermometer with fixed emissivity,a scheme based on the equivalent radiation source replacement method is proposed. Combined with the characteristics of the band-pass radiation thermometer,the radiation thermometer measurement model is established. Based on the premise that the radiation thermometer receives the equal effective brightness of the spectrum,the measurement model is used to obtain the equivalent replacement emissivity using the existing black body radiation source with an effective emissivity of 0.995. Calculate the formula for the source of 0.95 and calculate the theoretical temperature value of the alternate source at each calibration point.
Keywords:radiation thermometer;fixed emissivity;blackbody radiation source
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作者简介:赵丹侠(1987.07-),男,汉族,浙江义乌人, 计量检定员,硕士,研究方向:热工计量。