摘 要:在电子测量领域,虽然各种仪表、仪器相继出现,但万用表依然是最受欢迎的电测仪表。在电工电子教学中,如何使用万用表是非常重要的教学内容,也是一个合格的电工必须要掌握的内容。为此,本文从理论讲解、测量练习、实训考核、注意事项等多方面对万用表的应用进行了具体分析,以期解决实践中的各种问题。
中图分类号:TM938.12-4;G712 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0049-02
Application Analysis of Multimeter in Electrical and Electronic Teaching
LI Yicheng
(Guangdong Yuedong Business and Trade Technical School,Meizhou 514089,China)
Abstract:In the field of electronic measurement,although various instruments and instruments have appeared one after another,multimeter is still the most popular instrument. In the teaching of electrician and electronics,how to use multimeter is a very important teaching content,and it is also a content that qualified electrician must master. Therefore,this paper makes a concrete analysis of the application of the multimeter from the aspects of theoretical explanation,measurement exercises,practical training assessment and matters needing attention,in order to solve various problems in practice.
Keywords:electrician and electronics;multimeter;electrical measuring instruments
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作者简介:李毅成(1987-),男,汉族,广东兴宁人,教师, 助理讲师,学士学位,研究方向:电工电子教学。