摘 要:针对复杂环境中智能体的电机易受外界干扰的问题,设计了一种基于卡尔曼滤波和增量式PID 控制的Wi-Fi 智能车载系统。首先,在匀速阶段,建立了无刷直流电机的数学模型,利用增量式PID 算法实现对系统电机转速的精准控制。其次,在加速阶段,结合动力学分析,建立线性系统模型,利用卡尔曼滤波算法对系统的真实轨迹进行不断修正。最后,系统以STM32 单片机为核心,同时具有Wi-Fi 视频传输、环境避障和精准定位等多种功能。经测试,系统电机能够输出稳定的速度,真实轨迹不断趋近于理想轨迹,视频传输稳定。该方法能够消除外部干扰所造成的误差,具有良好的现实意义。
关键词:增量式PID;卡尔曼滤波;Wi-Fi 视频传输;上位机;抗干扰
中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0029-05
Intelligent Vehicle-borne System Based on Kalman Filter and
Incremental PID Control
ZHANG Zhe,WU Jian,HE Cheng,LI Yuqi
(Nanchang Hangkong University,Nanchang 330063,China)
Abstract:For the problem that the motor of agent in complex environment is susceptible to external interference,a Wi-Fi intelligent vehicle system based on Kalman filter and incremental PID control is designed. Firstly,the mathematical model of BLDCM is established in the uniform speed stage,and the incremental PID algorithm is used to control the speed of the system motor accurately. Secondly,in the acceleration stage,combined with dynamic analysis,the linear system model is established,and the Kalman filter algorithm is used to continuously correct the real trajectory of the system. Finally,the system takes STM32 as its core,and has many functions such as Wi-Fi video transmission,environment obstacle avoidance and accurate positioning. After testing,the system motor can output stable speed,the real trajectory keeps approaching the ideal trajectory,and the video transmission is stable. This method can eliminate the error caused by external interference and has good practical significance.
Keywords:incremental PID;Kalman filtering;Wi-Fi video transmission;upper monitor;anti-interference
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