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(中国电子科技集团公司第二十七研究所,河南 郑州 450047)

摘  要:激光制导武器是一种常见的精确打击武器,在所有的精确制导方式中激光制导精度最高,其精度已达0.1 ~ 1m,是地面作战平台的重要威胁之一。激光告警设备用于实时监测环境中的激光威胁,使其及时采取相应的防护、对抗等措施,提高平台战场生存能力。激光侦察告警技术发展至今,激光告警装备已经批量列装于各军兵种,此技术未来的发展方向成为各研究单位的关注重点。本文基于国内外激光告警技术现状,结合工程研究经验,提出了几个激光侦察告警未来可能的发展方向。


中图分类号:TN977;TN249         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0044-03

Status and Development Trend of Laser Surveillance and Warning Technology
ZHANG Fang,REN Huajun
(The 27th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Zhengzhou 450047,China)

Abstract:Laser guided weapon is a classical precision strike weapon. In all the guidance modes,the precision of laser terminal guidance which is one of the big threats is up to 0.1 ~ 1m. Laser warning equipment is used for real-time monitoring of laser threats in the environment,so that it can take corresponding protective and confrontational measures in time to improve the survivability of the platform battlefield. Since the development of laser reconnaissance and warning technology,laser warning equipment has been batched in various military units. The future development direction of this technology has become the focus of all research units. Based on the current situation of laser warning technology at home and abroad,combined with engineering research experience,this paper puts forward several possible future development directions of laser reconnaissance warning.

Keywords:laser warning;active laser surveillance;ultra-short pulse warning


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