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(宿迁学院,江苏 宿迁 223800)

摘  要:目的:对当前智能时代的产品形式与使用的关系进行剖析。方法:以iPhone 系列手机造型的图像学分析为基础,结合用户使用过程进行具体分析。结果:得出iPhone 手机在外观上趋向柔软化的轮廓处理、中庸的造型布局、整体化的细节设计以及单纯化的色彩的选择,将自身融合到用户体验之中。结论:在智能电子产品中,形式消解于使用体验之中,并以精简的方式呈现。


中图分类号:TB472         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0033-03

Form Fit and User Experience Analysis in Digital Products

DU Jingjing

(Suqian College,Suqian 223800,China)

AbstractObjective:to analyze the relationship between product form and usage in the current intelligent age. Methods:Based onthe image analysis of the model of the series of iPhone handsets,combined with the user's use process,the specific analysis was carriedout. Result:The result shows that the iPhone handset tends to soften the outline,moderate layout,integrated detail design and simplecolor selection,and integrates itself into the user experience. Conclusion:In intelligent electronic products,the form is dissolved in theuse experience,and presented in a streamlined way.

Keywords:product form;form fit;intelligent electronic products;iPhone


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