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(国家知识产权局专利局专利审查协作四川中心,四川 成都 610213)

摘  要:当下,触摸屏移动终端的发展进入了一个空前的阶段,触摸屏上虚拟键盘的设计的优劣直接影响用户对触摸屏终端的使用体验。因此,虚拟键盘的设计成为各触摸屏终端厂商争相研究的热点。本文以基于触摸屏上的虚拟键盘技术,以专利申请作为分析对象,重点分析全球及中国范围内关于触摸屏上的虚拟键盘技术的专利申请态势、重要申请人、典型技术方案等方面。


中图分类号:TP391         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0058-02

A Survey of Patent Technology of Virtual Keyboard on Touch Screen

YI Jianqiong

(Patent Examination Cooperation Sichuan Center of the Patent Office, SIPO,Chengdu 610213,China)

Abstract:At present,the development of touch screen mobile terminal has entered an unprecedented stage. The design of the virtual keyboard on the touch screen directly influences the user experience of mobile terminal. As a result,the design of virtual keyboard has become a hot topic among the manufacturers of touch screen terminals. This paper focus on the trend of patent applications、important applicants、typical technical scheme of the virtual keyboard technology on the touch screen.

Keywords:touch screen;virtual keyboard;patent


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作者简介:易建琼(1986-),女,汉族,重庆人,研究实习员,硕士,研究方向:触摸屏界面交互领域- 专利审查。