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(南京工程学院 信息与通信工程学院,江苏 南京 211167)

摘  要:本文设计了一种采用FDC2214 电容传感芯片的手势控制车载音频系统,实现从上到下、从下到上、从左到右、从右到左等手势的判定,其中上下挥动用以控制系统开关机,左右挥动用以调节音频系统音量。系统包括FDC2214 电容传感模块、音频处理系统SC7313、电子开关以及MCU 等部分。MCU 通过IIC 方式对FDC2214 电容传感模块采集的四块电容传感板数据进行处理,进而控制SC7313 音频处理系统和电子开关,实现音量控制和开关机功能。其采用电容传感方式实现手势挥动识别,减少外界环境对识别装置的影响且无须佩戴手持设备,增强了驾驶的安全性。


中图分类号:TP23;TP212         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0032-03

Gesture Recognition Vehicle Audio System Based on Capacitance Sensor

SUO Chaoju,XU Ning,LIU Jingbo,SHEN Peiyu,LI Hongbo

(School of Information and Communication Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China)

Abstract:A gesture control car audio system using FDC2214 capacitive sensor chip is designed to realize the gestures from top to bottom,bottom to top,left to right and right to left. The up and down wave is used to control the system switch,left and right to adjust the volume of the audio system. The system includes FDC2214 capacitive sensing module,audio processing system SC7313,electronic switch and MCU. The MCU processes the four capacitive sensing board data collected by the FDC2214 capacitive sensing module through the IIC method,thereby controlling the SC7313 audio processing system and the electronic switch to realize the functions of volume control and switching. This capacitive sensing method realizes gesture waving recognition,which reduces the influence of the external environment on the identification device and does not need to wear a handheld device,thereby increasing the safety of driving.

Keywords:capacitive sensing;gesture recognition;car audio system


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