摘 要:为了满足城市发展的需要,城市的视频监控规模不断扩大,基础建设和功能也趋于完善,在城市治安预防、应对紧急突发事件等方面做出了突出的贡献。社会视频联网管理平台的建立,可以进一步提高城市视频监控的效率,变“被动监控”为“主动监看”,进一步提高城市的管理水平,保障城市的安全。本文将进行深入的区级社会视频联网管理平台安全体系设计研究,为相关工作者提供参考借鉴。
中图分类号:TP277 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0029-02
Design of Security System for District-level Social VideoNetworking Management Platform
LIU Xiaochun
(PCI-Suntek Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510653,China)
Abstract:In order to meet the needs of urban development,the scale of video surveillance in cities has been expanding,and the infrastructure and functions have tended to be improved. It has made outstanding contributions to urban public security prevention and emergency response. The establishment of social video networking management platform can further improve the efficiency of urban video surveillance,change “passive surveillance” to “active surveillance”,further improve the management level of the city,and ensure the safety of the city. This paper will deeply analyze the security system design of district-level social video networking management platform,and provide reference for relevant workers.
Keywords:video networking management platform;video surveillance;district level;security system
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