摘 要:测高精度是衡量无线电高度表性能的重要指标。在基地级和中继级利用自动测试设备(ATE)进行性能测试时,存在部分指标不满足理论要求的情况。本文以某型无线电高度表实际测试超差为例,在分析无线电高度表自动测试系统工作原理的基础上,从高度表模拟器、剩余高度、射频电缆长度与输出电压采集等多个因素入手,分析ATE 测试误差的产生原因,提出减小测试误差,提升无线电高度表自动测试系统的测试精度,降低系统虚警率的方法。
中图分类号:V241.4+23 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0036-03
Analysis and Solution of Test Error for a Radio Altimeter
WANG Yunjiao1,XIA Qingpei2,HU Sheng1,ZHOU Yongchao2
(1.Guangzhou Hangxin Aviation Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China;2.Unit 91729,Qingdao 266300,China)
Abstract:Precision measurement is an important index to measure the performance of radio altimeter. In base level and relay level using automatic test equipment (ATE) for performance test,some indexes do not meet the theoretical requirements. In this paper,the actual test error of a radio altimeter is taken as an example,based on the analysis of radio altimeter,on the basis of working principle of the automatic test system,from the altimeter simulator,residual height,radio frequency cable length and the output voltage acquisition and other factors,this paper analyses causes of the ATE test error,put forward to reduce the test error,improve radio altimeter test precision of the automatic test system,to reduce the false alarm rate of the system.
Keywords:radio altimeter;automatic test equipment;error analysis;false alarm
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