摘 要:随着可再生能源的飞速发展和大范围接入电网,电网对电源侧调频的能力要求也越来越高。储能火电联合调频技术是目前用于提升火电机组调频性能的主要措施,在实现电网有功平衡、维护电网频率稳定方面的应用逐渐增多。故本文就储能火电联合调频的优化配置及收益预测展开讨论。
中图分类号:TM935.26 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0043-03
Research on Capacity Allocation and Revenue Prediction of Joint Frequency Modulation for Energy Storage and Thermal Power
(Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518001,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of renewable energy and large-scale access to the power grid,the ability of the power grid to adjust the frequency of the power supply side is also increasing. The energy storage thermal power combined frequency modulation technology is currently the main measure for improving the frequency modulation performance of thermal power units,and the application in realizing the power balance of the power grid and maintaining the stability of the power grid is increasing. Therefore,this paper discusses the optimal configuration and revenue forecast of energy storage thermal power combined frequency modulation.
Keywords:energy storage thermal power;joint frequency modulation;energy storage system
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