摘 要:在电力企业所提供的众多服务中,“电力计量”直接关系到广大企业的经济效益以及民众的生活权益。受到种种因素的影响,时至今日,仍然存在电力计量误差,不仅给社会各界造成经济损失,而且对电力资源也是一种浪费,这一点同我国可持续发展战略不符。有鉴于此,文章对电力计量误差产生的原因进行了分析研究,并提出了改进措施。
中图分类号:TM933.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)19-0054-02
Analysis of the Causes and Improvement Measures of Electric Power Measurement Error
(Xiangxi Power Supply Branch,State Grid Hunan Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Jishou 416000,China)
Abstract:Among the many services provided by power companies,“electricity measurement” is directly related to the economic benefits of the majority of enterprises and the rights and interests of the entire people. Affected by various factors,there are still power measurement errors,which not only cause economic losses to all sectors of society,but also a waste of power resources. This is inconsistent with China’s sustainable development strategy. In view of this,the article analyzes the causes of power metering errors and proposes improvement measures.
Keywords:power enterprise;power metering;error cause;improvement measures
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