摘 要:随着当代技术的迅速发展,发电机成为我们日常的生活中非常重要的角色,是电力系统中不可缺少的设备组成之一。发电机长期运行产生的转子绝缘损坏老化或工作人员在工作中造成异物掉落等原因有可能造成发电机转子一点甚至多点接地,或者转子匝间短路,从而对发电机的正常运行造成严重的影响。因此,我们一般通过对其转子进行相应的试验检测,通过试验数据波形等参数进行一定的分析。包括与出厂数据、往年记载的数据进行对比,查找到引起转子异常因素等,为有效地开展检修工作提供了重要保障。文章就发电机转子异常进行了一定的深入分析与探讨。
中图分类号:TM621.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)21-0046-03
Brief Analysis of Generator Rotor Fault Abnormality
MA Chao
(Fujian Yili Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd. Fujian Electric Power Debugging Branch,Fuzhou 350003,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of modern technology,generators have become a very important role in our daily life and an indispensable component of power system equipment. The aging of the rotor insulation caused by the long-term operation of the generator or the falling of foreign bodies caused by the workers may cause the generator rotor to be grounded at one or more points,or the inter-turn short circuit of the rotor,which will have a serious impact on the normal operation of the generator. Therefore,we usually test the rotor and analyze the parameters such as test data waveform. Comparing with the factory data and the data recorded in previous years,we can find out the abnormal factors of the rotor,which provides an important guarantee for the effective maintenance work. In this paper,the abnormality of generator rotor is deeply analyzed and discussed.
Keywords:generator rotor;grounding;inter-turn short circuit;analysis and treatment
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