摘 要:本文介绍了一款1.5kW 大功率开关电源的完整实用电路设计,提出了电源总体设计电路原理框图,对各组成部分电路进行了具体的参数设计,给出了一整套完整实用的电路原理图,并对具体电路的工作原理做了详细的分析。此电路原理图设计出的开关电源具有高效率、高功率密度的特点,在公司通信产品中得到了大量的应用。
中图分类号:TN492 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0036-04
A Complete Practical Circuit Design and Implementation of a High-power Switching Power Supply
CAI Huaihai
(Tongfang Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.,Jiujiang 332001,China)
Abstract:This paper introduces the complete practical circuit design of a 1.5 kW high-power switching power supply,presents the schematic diagram of the overall design circuit of the power supply,designs the specific parameters of each component circuit,presents a complete practical circuit schematic diagram,and analyzes the working principle of the specific circuit in detail. The switching power supply designed by this circuit schematic diagram has the characteristics of high efficiency and high power density,which has been widely used in the communication products of our company.
Keywords:switching power supply;phase shift control;UC3875
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