摘 要:坚强配电网是智慧城市各个系统建设的基础,是智慧能源系统的主要载体。配电变压器、10kV 开关柜选型是坚强配电网建设的重要环节,其选型原则是关乎配电网建设质量的重要而复杂的问题。本文通过对厦门地区已有配电网设备运行情况分析,对配电变压器、10kV 开关柜不类型优劣比对分析,结合配电网设备技术发展水平,提出适合厦门地区配电网建设主要设备的选型原则。
关键词:配电网;设备选型;配电变压器;10kV 开关柜
中图分类号:TM4;TM727 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)24-0039-05
Discussion on Equipment Selection of Xiamen Distribution Network
HUANG Jianrong
(Xiamen Electric Power Survey and Design Institute Co.,Ltd,Xiamen 361009,China)
Abstract:Strong distribution network is the foundation of all systems construction of smart city,and the main carrier of smart energy system. The selection of distribution transformer and 10kV switchgear is an important link in the construction of a strong distribution network. Its selection principle is an important and complex issue concerning the quality of distribution network construction.Based on the analysis of the operation of existing distribution network equipment in Xiamen,the advantages and disadvantages of different types of distribution transformers and 10kV switchgear are compared and analyzed. Combining with the development level of distribution network equipment technology,the selection principle of main equipment suitable for the construction of distribution network in Xiamen is put forward.
Keywords:distribution network;equipment selection;distribution transformer;10kV switchgear
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