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(1. 大唐郓城发电有限公司,山东 菏泽 274700; 2. 中国大唐集团科学技术研究院有限公司华北电力试验研究院,北京 100040)

摘  要:双机回热系统最重要的设备之一为回热式驱动小汽机,该小汽机具有驱动给水泵和回热抽汽多种功能。小汽机在满足给水泵耗功的同时,还要满足回热系统的需要。不仅要考虑升降负荷时小汽机的运行,还要考虑其他特殊工况下如何满足给水和回热抽汽的要求。小汽机的启动和控制运行是一个多变量协同控制过程,如何正确处理这些变量之间的关系及控制方法是实现小汽机正常启动运行的前提。文章根据以往的运行经验及双机回热小汽轮机的运行特性,进行了双机回热各工况的运行控制策略设计,方便后期运行实际操作。

关键词:1000 MW;双机回热;小汽轮机;变工况;运行控制

中图分类号:TM621         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)01-0031-04

Operation Control Strategy of Double-turbine Regeneration System in Double-reheat Unit

FANG Jiguo1,YANG Guoqiang2,WANG Kaijing1

(1.Datang Yuncheng Power Generation Co.,Ltd.,Heze 274700,China;2.North China Electric Power Test & Research Institute,China Datang Grorporation Science and Technology Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100040,China)

Abstract:One of the most important devices of the double-turbine reheating system is the reheating drive small steam turbine. The small steam machine has various functions of driving feed water pump and recovering heat steam extraction. The small steam turbine satisfies the needs of the reheating system while supplying the pump with power. It is necessary to consider not only the operation of the small steam turbine during lifting and lifting load,but also how to meet the requirements of water supply and return heat pumping under other special conditions. The starting and controlling operation of small steam turbine is a multi-variable collaborative control process. How to correctly handle the relationship between these variables and the controlling method is the premise of realizing the normal starting operation of small steam turbine. The article based on the experience of operation and the characteristics of the two-turbine return steam turbine,the operation control strategy of the two-turbine return heat is designed to facilitate the operation of the later operation.

Keywords:1000 MW;double-turbine regeneration system;small steam turbine;variable working conditions;operation control


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房吉国(1969.07-),男,汉族,山东即墨人,本科, 金属技术监督专责,研究方向:金属材料监督;

