摘 要:Squid 代理服务器是下载速度快、缩短延时并缓存 Internet 数据的软件,可以通过正向代理、反向代理实现加快内部浏览互联网速度,提高网络的安全性。文章首先分析代理工作原理,提出正向代理、透明代理和反向代理三种类型的应用机制,然后详细阐述了 ACL 访问控制特性来灵活地控制用户访问时间、站点等,最后通过实验实现了 Squid 服务器的代理 机制应用。
关键词:代理缓存服务器;正向代理;反向代理;ACL 访问控制
中图分类号:TP316.81 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0038-04
Configuration and Implementation of Squid Proxy Server in CentOS 7
LIU Chun,JING Jianqiang,SHAO Guoqiang,SUN Tao,ZHANG Lihua
(Daqing Normal University,Daqing 163712,China)
Abstract:Squid proxy server is a software with fast download speed,short delay time and cache Internet data,which can speedup the internal browsing speed and improve the network security through forward proxy and reverse proxy. This paper first analyzes the working principle of the agent,and puts forward three types of application mechanisms:forward agent,transparent agent and reverse agent. Then it elaborates the ACL access control characteristics to flexibly control user access time,site and other restrictions. Finally,itrealizes the application of Squid server’s agent mechanism through experiments.
Keywords:proxy cache server;forward proxy;reverse proxy;ACL access control
基金项目:教育部科技发展中心高校产学研创新基金项目(2018A01010);黑龙江省教育科学“十三五”规划 2019 年度重点课题(GJB1319002)
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