摘 要:近年来,由于空气污染日益严峻,空气质量引起了大家的重视和关注。随着技术的快速发展,微型粉尘传感器广泛应用各种民用设备中,它们的出现让人们直观地了解到实时的空气质量状态。为了了解这些传感器的性能,了解 PM2.5 产品测量数据的真实性,利用专业的仪器和设备模拟测试了四种品牌的微型粉尘传感器(即 PM2.5 传感器),评估它们在气溶胶、粉尘车间和城市环境下是否适合使用。
关键词:微型粉尘传感器;PM2.5 传感器;气溶胶;空气污染
中图分类号:X851;TP212 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0055-04
Research and Test of Micro PM2.5 Sensor
LIU Tingting
(Tianjin University of Technology and Education,Tianjin 300222,China)
Abstract:Recently,due to the increasingly severe air pollution,the air quality has attracted people’s attention. With the rapid development of technology,micro dust sensors are widely used in a variety of civil equipment. Their appearance makes us intuitively understand the real-time air quality state. In order to understand the performance of these sensors and the authenticity of measurement data of PM2.5 products,we use professional instruments and equipment to simulate and test four brands of micro dust sensors (PM2.5sensors) to evaluate whether they are suitable for use in aerosol,dust workshop and urban environment.
Keywords:micro dust sensor;PM2.5 sensors;aerosol;air pollution
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