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(河南工业和信息化职业学院 电气工程系,河南 焦作 454000)

摘  要:低压电器在人们的日常生活当中运用得比较广泛,与人们的生活与工作息息相关,但是常常由于长时间的使用,低压电器会出现故障问题,且一般都是由元件损坏所造成的低压电器故障。所以在低压电器使用过程中,要及时地对低压电器的控制元件进行检测与维修,以免给人们的生活和工作带来不便。本文笔者将对低压电器控制元件的故障及原因进行详细的阐述,并提出低压电器控制元件的检测方法,希望能对相关人士提供有益帮助。


中图分类号:TM52         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0043-02

Failure and Cause Analysis of the Control Components in Low Voltage Electrical Apparatus
XIONG Liping
(Department of Electrical Engineering,Henan College of Industry and Information Technology,Jiaozuo 454000,China)

Abstract:Low voltage electrical appliances are widely used in people's daily life. They are closely related to people's life and work.However,because of the long time use,the low voltage electrical appliances will have trouble problems. They are usually caused by the failure of the low-voltage appliances caused by the damage of the components. So in the process of using low voltage electrical appliances,it should be timely. In order to avoid the inconvenience to people's life and work,the author will elaborate on the failure and cause of the control components of the low voltage electrical apparatus in detail,and put forward the detection methods of the control components of the low voltage electrical apparatus,hoping to provide useful help for the relevant people.

Keywords:low voltage electrical apparatus;control element fault;detection method


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作者简介:熊丽萍(1982-),女,河南渑池人,从事教学工作12 年,毕业于河南理工大学电气工程专业,硕士研究生,研究方向:电气控制。