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VDMOS 器件参数及IDSS 失效问题研究
(深圳方正微电子有限公司,广东 深圳 518116)

摘  要:功率VDMOS 就是垂直导电的双扩散结构器件,功率VDMOS 克服了其他MOS 的各种缺点,是在功率集成工艺基础上发展起来的新一代电子器件。IDSS 是衡量VDMOS 器件性能的一个重要参数,同时,影响VDMOS 产品良率的各个参数,也是一个难以解决的问题。从VDMOS 器件结构及工艺入手,对参数失效原因做了较全面的分析,总结了VDMOS 器件参数失效的因素及对应的工艺控制难点。以供VDMOS 工作者以及相关技术人员参考。

关键词:VDMOS;IDSS;DS 漏电;DS 短路

中图分类号:TN386         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0027-04

Study on VDMOS Device Parameters and IDSS Failure

LI Ming,YAO Xuexia,CAO Ting,LIU Guoliang

(Shenzhen Founder Microelectronics Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518116,China)

Abstract:Power VDMOS is a vertically conductive double-diffusion structure device,which overcomes various shortcomings of other MOS and is a new generation of electronic devices developed on the basis of power integration technology. IDSS is an importantparameter to measure the performance of VDMOS devices. Meanwhile,it is also a difficult problem to solve that various parameters affect the yield of VDMOS products. Starting from the structure and technology of VDMOS device,the cause of parameter failure isanalyzed comprehensively,and the factors of parameter failure of VDMOS device and the corresponding process control difficulties are summarized. For reference of VDMOS workers and related technicians.

Keywords:VDMOS;IDSS;DS leakage;DS short


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作者简介:李明(1984-),男,蒙古族,内蒙古通辽人,工程师,多年从事半导体行业,熟悉VDMOD 设计和生产工艺,毕业于辽宁大学电子科学与技术专业,本科,主要研究方向:半导体工艺流程设计、产品良率控制。