摘 要:为应对海量车流量下的实时车辆稽查布控需求,哈尔滨市智能交通平台下的大数据车辆实时稽查系统,采用大数据 Hadoop、HBase 等实时采集、存储全市各道路卡口电子警察拍摄上传的通行车辆的车辆图片等通行信息,实时监控全市各道路通行车辆,并对城市黑名单车辆进行稽查布控。系统对 HBase 表进行预分区式优化配置,解决了数据插入的热点插入问题;对表的 RowKey 进行优化设计,解决了数据范围检索与定位检索性能兼顾的需求。
中图分类号:TP311.13;U495 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)07-0039-03
Research on Real-time Inspection and Control System for Big Data Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation
QIN Zhaojing
(Sealand Securities Co.,Ltd.,Nanning 530028,China)
Abstract:In order to meet the demand of real-time vehicle inspection and control under the massive traffic flow,the big data vehicle real-time inspection system under Harbin intelligent transportation platform adopts big data Hadoop,HBase and other real-time collection and storage of the traffic information such as the vehicle pictures taken and uploaded by the city’s road checkpoint electronic police,real-time monitoring of the city’s road vehicles,and the city’s black list vehicles for inspection and control. The system prepartition the HBase table to optimize the configuration,solve the hot insertion problem of data insertion;optimize the RowKey of the table to solve the performance requirements of data range retrieval and location retrieval.
Keywords:big data;smart city;HBase;Spark;ArcGIS;Flex;e-police;audit and control
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