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(国家知识产权局专利局专利审查协作广东中心,广东 广州 510555)

摘  要:壁虎脚趾具有优异的粘附特性,模仿壁虎脚趾结构的仿生壁虎微纳阵列材料的研究成为当今的研发热点,其在仿生壁虎机器人等高技术领域具有巨大的应用前景。采用中文专利数据库中的全面检索、人工标引等手段筛选出国内涉及仿生壁虎微纳阵列材料的专利申请,并对该领域的专利申请的申请趋势、申请人来源及排名、法律状态、技术主题进行了统计分析,重点归纳了国内仿生壁虎微纳阵列材料的制备工艺的专利技术。


中图分类号: Q811;TB39         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)08-0045-03

Overview of Domestic Patent Technology of Bionic Gecko Micro-nano Array Materials

BI Xiaobo,XU Yuxiang

(Patent Examination Cooperation Guangdong Center of the Patent Office,CNIPA,Guangzhou 510555,China)

Abstract:Gecko toes have excellent adhesion properties. The research of bionic gecko micro-nano array materials that imitate the structure of gecko toes has become a hot research and development topic today,and it has huge application prospects in high-tech fields such as bionic gecko robots. Screening domestic patent applications involving bionic gecko micro-nano array materials by means of comprehensive search and manual indexing in the Chinese patent database,and the application trends,source and ranking of applicants,legal status,and technical themes in the field. A statistical analysis was carried out,focusing on the patented technology of the preparation process of domestic bionic gecko micro-nano array materials.

Keywords:bionic;micro-nano array;etching and pouring;vapor phase growth technology


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