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(云南省广播电视局玉溪693 台,云南 玉溪 653100)

摘  要:广播发射机在广播发射中占据核心地位,在广播发射工作中扮演着重要的角色,而中波广播发射机更是重中之重。鉴于此,该文基于功放模块的工作原理,分析了中波广播发射机功放模块在运行中容易出现的故障类型并对其进行原因剖析,同时结合多年工作经验探讨了相应的故障解决措施,旨在提升中波广播发射机功放模块的使用效率,以更好地为广播服务。


中图分类号:TN934.81         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)23-0041-03

Fault Analysis on Power Amplifier Module of Medium Wave Broadcast Transmitter

LI Ruili

(Yuxi 693,Yunnan Bureau of Radio and Television,Yuxi 653100,China)

Abstract:Broadcast transmitter is at the core position in broadcast transmission,and plays an important role in broadcast transmission,then the medium wave broadcast transmitter is of the uppermost priority. In view of this,based on the working principle of the power amplifier module,this paper analyzes the fault types of the power amplifier module of the medium wave broadcast transmitter easily occurred in operation,and deeply analyzes the causes of this phenomenon. At the same time,combined with the author’s many years of work experience,it discusses the corresponding fault resolution measures,aims at to improve the use efficiency of the power amplifier module of the medium wave broadcast transmitter,so as to better serves the broadcasting.

Keywords:broadcast transmitter;medium wave transmitter;power amplifier module


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