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基于HoloLens 的全息海图应用模式研究
(交通运输部北海航海保障中心天津海事测绘中心,天津 300202)

摘  要:文章结合港航用户对海图的使用需求和航海保障业务实践,提出了全息海图的模型概念,阐述了全息海图的特征优势,分析了全息海图的应用场景和应用模式。在分析全息海图应用模式的基础上,对全息海图原型的开发实现进行了有益尝试,揭示了研究全息海图可视化表达与交互分析所需要的关键技术,并提出了需要深入研究完善的方向。


中图分类号:TP391.9         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)24-0057-03

Research on Application Mode of Holographic Chart Based on HoloLens

ZHANG Yanguang

(Tianjin Maritime Surveying and Mapping Center,Beihai Navigation Support Center,Ministry of Transport,Tianjin 300202,China)

Abstract:Combined with the demand of port and shipping users for charts and the practice of navigation support business,this paper puts forward the concept of holographic chart model,expounds the characteristics and advantages of holographic chart,and analyzes the application scenarios and modes of holographic chart. Based on the analysis of the application mode of holographic chart,this paper makes a beneficial attempt to develop and realize the prototype of holographic chart,reveals the key technologies needed to study the visualization expression and interactive analysis of holographic chart,and puts forward the direction of further research and improvement.

Keywords:holographic projection;chart interaction;augmented reality;3D modeling


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