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基于S32R274 的Bootloader 开发与实现
(中国民用航空飞行学院 航空工程学院,四川 广汉 618307)

摘  要:针对汽车ECU 的Bootloader 开发问题,使用恩智浦(NXP)S32DS IDE 工具进行相关的开发与实现。作为汽车电子程序中需要运行的第一段代码,Bootloader 的开发问题是该行业开发人员所面临的首要问题。恩智浦所提供的S32DS IDE工具,具有图形化的配置界面。通过该IDE 工具,并基于恩智浦的S32R274 芯片来详细说明关于此芯片的Bootloader 开发与配置过程。并设计了一个简单的实验,以验证Bootloader 是否成功跳转到应用程序中,用以说明整个基于此芯片的Bootloader 的开发与配置。

关键词:汽车ECU;Bootloader;S32R274;NXP;S32DS IDE



中图分类号:TP311.11                                         文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2021)02-0041-04

Development and Implementation of Bootloader Based on S32R274

WANG Yu,TAN Yanlei,ZOU Xiongfei,HU Zhehao

(School of Aeronautical Engineering,Civil Aviation Flight University of China,Guanghan 618307,China)

Abstract:Aiming at the problem of Bootloader development of automotive ECU,NXP(NXP)S32DS IDE tool is used to develop and implement it. As the first code to run in automotive electronic program,the development of Bootloader is the most important problem for developers in this industry. S32DS IDE tool provided by NXP has a graphical configuration interface. Through this IDE tool, and based on S32R274 chip of NXP,the development and configuration process of Bootloader about this chip are explained in detail. And a simple experiment is designed to verify whether the Bootloader can jump to the application successfully,which is used to explain the development and configuration of the whole Bootloader based on this chip.

Keywords:automotive ECU;Bootloader;S32R274;NXP;S32DS IDE


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