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(中国电子科技集团公司第二十九研究所,四川 成都 610036)

摘  要:雷达干扰暴露区在战争中具有极其重要的意义,可帮助作战参谋把控战场态势。但在实际研究中,仅从理论层面难以有效地对典型战术行动下的雷达干扰暴露区进行对比分析,鉴于此,文章在雷达干扰三要素的基础上,系统论述了两类、五种战术行动下的雷达干扰暴露区建模方法,通过对比给出了三种典型战术行动下暴露区的算法和仿真示例,借助仿真手段解决了研究中战术对比分析问题,可为电子战术行动规划提供有力的参考。



中图分类号:TN974                                       文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)03-0041-04

Modeling and Simulation of Radar Jamming Exposure Area under Typical Tactical Action

GOU Xiumei,JIANG Bo,KANG Xiaoxia,ZOU Benzhen

(The 29th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Chengdu 610036,China)

Abstract:Radar jamming exposure area is extremely important in war,which can help combat staff to control battlefield situation. However,in practical research,it is difficult to effectively compare and analyze the radar jamming exposure areas under typical tactical operations only from the theoretical level. In view of this,based on three elements of radar interference,this paper systematically discusses the modeling methods of radar interference exposure area under two and five tactical actions. By comparing the three typical tactical operations,the algorithm and simulation examples of exposure area are given. The problem of tactical contrast analysis in research is solved by means of simulation,which can provide a powerful reference for the electronic tactical action planning.

Keywords:radar jamming;exposure area;modeling and simulation


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作者简介:苟秀梅(1987—),女,汉族,四川南充人,工程师, 本科,研究方向:电子工程;蒋波(1985—),男,汉族,四川遂 宁人,工程师,本科,研究方向:电子工程;康小霞(1981—),女, 汉族,吉林四平人,工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向:电子工程; 邹本振(1986—),男,汉族,山东泰安人,工程师,硕士研究生, 研究方向:电子工程。