摘 要:移动通信技术已经发展到了第五代。5G 技术以它大宽带,低延迟、高传输等特点被广泛应用于各领域。为解决雅安职业技术学院及其附属医院的医教一体化问题,文章提出了一种基于 5G 专网 SA 的医院校园结合的承载网解决方案。该方案考虑了疫情期间的探视查房问题,同时还满足了护理专业医教一体的要求。通过采用 5G 网络 Flex-E 弹性切片技术确保医疗网络的稳定性,并采用了 SDN 以及边缘计算技术来助力 SA 专网部署。
基金项目:雅安职业技术学院 5G 技术应用 中心(YZYJG201907)
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)03-0048-04
Research and Application of 5G Technology in the Medical Education Integration of Hospital Visit
(Ya’an Polytechnic College,Ya’an 625100,China)
Abstract:Mobile communication technology has developed to the fifth generation. 5G technology is widely used in various fields because of its wide bandwidth,low delay,high transmission and other characteristics. In order to solve the problem of medical education integration in Ya’an Polytechnic College and its affiliated hospitals,this paper puts forward a carrying network solution of hospital campus integration based on 5G private network SA. The scheme considers the problem of visiting and ward round during the epidemic period,and also meets the requirements of medical education integration of nursing specialty. By using 5G network Flex-E elastic slicing technology to ensure the stability of the medical network,and using SDN and edge computing technology to help SA private network deployment.
Keywords:5G;visit;private network;network slicing
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作者简介:吕波(1978.08—),男,四川雅安人,讲师,毕 业于西华师范大学,本科,研究方向:计算机、软件等。