摘 要:四轴航拍飞行器能够在空中长时间稳定飞行,且携带载荷类型多样,在日常生活中具有广泛的用途。利用STM32F4 处理器并且综合四元数法和 PID 控制算法进行四轴飞行器的设计是当前普遍的做法,如何做好软硬件之间的接口关系协调是进行设计时需要重点关注的问题;基于 STM32F4 处理器并综合使用 MPU6050 传感器能够实现设计出可以稳定飞行的四轴飞行器样机,并且具有灵活机动的转弯和升降能力,能够满足长航时、多广角航拍的需要。
关键词:四轴飞行器;STM32F4 处理器;四元数法
中图分类号:TP273;V221 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)05-0052-04
Design of Quadcopter Control System Based on STM32F4 Processor
YAN Xiaobing1 ,CHEN Chunmei 1 ,BAI Xueyan2 ,LIU Peng2
(1.School of Communication Engineering,Taishan College of Science and Technology,Taian 271000,China; 2.School of Intelligent Engineering,Taishan College of Science and Technology,Taian 271000,China)
Abstract:Aerial quadcopter can fly stably in the air for a long time,and carry a variety of loads,which has a wide range of purpose in daily life. Using STM32F4 processor and combining quaternion method and PID control algorithm to design quadcopter is a common practice at present. How to coordinate the interface relationship between software and hardware is a key issue when designing. Based on STM32F4 processor and comprehensive use of MPU6050 sensor,a quadcopter prototype that can flight stably can be designed, and it has flexible turning and lifting ability,which can meet the needs of long sailing time and multi wide angle aerial photography.
Keywords:quadcopter;STM32F4 processor;quaternion method
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作者简介:闫晓兵(1975—),男,汉族,山东泰安人,高级 工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向:电子信息工程。