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基于 ANSYS 的电路板组件热仿真及试验验证研究
(广东科鉴检测工程技术有限公司,广东 广州 510000)

摘  要:热仿真对于优化产品热设计、提高电子设备可靠性具有重要的作用,特别适用于大功耗发热电子组件及设备。基于 ANASYS 软件中的参数化设计语言建立电路板及其组件实体模型,通过热学有限元分析(稳态热学特性分析、瞬态热学特性分析)给出热分析结果(温度分布云图),结合热测试给出热应力分布云图,综合考虑应变疲劳模型、累计损伤模型和经验模型,最终给出电路板组件潜在的薄弱部位。本文以某型电路板为例,通过热仿真分析给出电路板潜在的高发热点和耐热薄弱环节,为电路板结构的优化及布局提供数据支撑,进一步提升电子产品的可靠性。


中图分类号TN761         文献标识码        文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0029-06


Research on Thermal Simulation and Experimental Verification of  PCB Based on ANSYS

WANG Hongtao,GAO Jun,WEN Wu,LU Jiafeng

(Guangdong Ke Jian Testing Engineering Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510000,China)

Abstract:Thermal simulation plays an important role in optimizing the thermal design of products and improving the reliability of electronic devices,especially for large power consumption heating electronic components and equipment. Based on the parameterized design language of ANASYS software,the circuit board and its component entity model are established. The thermal analysis results(temperature distribution cloud chart)are given by thermal finite element analysis(steady thermal analysis and transient thermal characteristics analysis). The thermal stress distribution cloud chart is given by the heat test,and the strain fatigue model is considered synthetically. Cumulative damage model and empirical model are used to give potential weak parts of PCB. In this paper,a certain type of circuit board is taken as an example to give the potential hot spots and heat-resistant weak links of the circuit board through the thermal simulation analysis. It provides data support for the optimization and layout of the circuit board structure and further improves the reliability  of the electronic products.

Keywords:thermal simulation;printed circuit board assembly;finite element method;potential fault;reliability


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