摘 要:为帮助慢性病人养成良好的吃药习惯,设计了基于压力传感器的智能药盒。其内设有开盖检测模块和计时模块,可实时检测用户是否在规定的吃药时间内打开药盒。若未在规定的吃药时间内开启药盒,会提醒用户按时吃药,内设压力传感器模块,可检测药盒内的药品是否减少,并且智能药盒与手机 APP 之间采用 Wi-Fi 连接,能够让病人及其家人通过手机 APP 实时查看药品的使用情况和药品的储存情况。实验结果表明系统运行稳定,可满足用户实际要求。
关键词:计时模块;Wi-Fi;APP 显示
基金项目:2020 年山东省大学生创新创业 训练项目(S202013857021)
中图分类号:TH788;TP212 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)07-0029-05
Design of Intelligent Medicine Box System Based on Arduino Single-Chip Microcomputer
WU Yuxing,HAN Xiangsen
(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)
Abstract:In order to help chronic patients develop good habit of taking medicine,an intelligent medicine box based on pressure sensor is designed. It is equipped with a cover opening detection module and a timing module,which can detect in real time whether the user opens the medicine box or not within the specified medication time. If the medicine box is not opened within the specified medication time,the user will be reminded to take the medicine on time. A pressure sensor module is built in to detect whether the drugs in the medicine box are reduced,and the intelligent medicine box is connected with the mobile APP by Wi-Fi. It enables patients and their families to view the use and storage of drugs in real time through mobile APP. The experimental results show that the system runs stably and can meet the actual requirements of users.
Keywords:timing module;Wi-Fi;APP display
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作者简介:武宇星(2000—),男,汉族,内蒙古乌海人,本 科在读,研究方向:电子信息工程;韩祥森(1994—),男,汉族, 山东淄博人,助教,本科,研究方向:电子与通信技术、智能控制。