摘 要:随着 LED RGB 户外亮化工程的发展,户外显屏应用不断扩大。城市夜景变得更加璀璨多姿,也成为各城市宣传名片。大量 RGB 户外应用增添了城市色彩的同时,潜藏的问题也陆续暴发。终端应用在使用半年或 1 年后,发生个别 LED 灯珠不亮,影响整体视觉效果。暗灯是最常见失效模式,其中芯片受损是导致暗灯的主要因素。文章主要论述芯片失效产生的原理和检测方法,及如何提升芯片抗湿特性。
中图分类号:TN312 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0035-04
Discussion on Dissociation Failure of RGB Chip
XIE Bingzhang
(Episky Corporation(Xiamen)Ltd.,Xiamen 361101,China)
Abstract:With the development of LED RGB outdoor lighting project,the application of outdoor display screen is expanding. The night view of the city has become more dazzling and colorful,and it has also become the business card of various cities. While a large number of RGB outdoor applications add to the city’s colors,hidden problems are also emerging one after another. The terminal application has been used for more than half a year or more than a year,and individual LED lamp beads do not light up,which affects the overall visual effect. Dim light is the most common failure mode,in which chip damage is the main factor leading to dim light. This paper mainly discusses the principle and detection method of chip failure,and how to improve the chip’s anti-humidity characteristics.
Keywords:RGB;dissociation;moisture;Passivation;dim light
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作者简介:谢冰璋(1982—),男,汉族,福建龙岩人,中级 工程师,本科,研究方向:LED 芯片制程改善与产品性能提升。