摘 要:超声电机的摩擦材料性能对超声电机性能影响非常大,而摩擦材料的湿度则是影响其性能的因素之一。为了更好地研究不同湿度摩擦材料对电机的影响,根据吸湿后的摩擦材料会发生电容变化而导致电压变化的原理,利用数字测量芯片CAV444,根据超声电机摩擦材料不同湿度环境下的参数,完成外围电路设计;利用 NI 公司的数据采集卡,结合 Labview 软件,设计了一套摩擦材料湿度测试系统,并通过实验验证测试电路的可行性。
中图分类号:TP331.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)12-0047-04
Friction Material Humidity Test System of Ultrasonic Motor Based on Digital Measuring Circuit
LIN Huiling
(Xiamen Nanyang University, Xiamen 361101, China)
Abstract: The performance of friction material of ultrasonic motor has a great influence on the performance of ultrasonic motor, and the humidity of friction material is one of the factors affecting its performance. In order to better study the influence of friction materials with different humidity on the motor, according to the principle that the capacitance of friction materials after moisture absorption will change and lead to voltage change, the peripheral circuit design is completed by using the digital measurement chip CAV444 according to the parameters of friction materials of ultrasonic motor under different humidity environment. Using the data acquisition card of NI company and Labview software, a set of friction material humidity test system is designed, and the feasibility of the test circuit is verified by experiments.
Keywords: ultrasonic motor; friction material; test system; digital circuit; humidity
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作者简介:林惠玲(1987—)女,汉族,福建漳州人,讲师, 本科,研究方向:机电一体化设计。