摘 要:文章对当前自动化综合实训装置开发情况进行了研究,报告了开发和实践的现状和技术背景。开发以学生职业核心能力培养为导向,设计了采用分离开放模式,满足控制电机应用技术、PLC 应用技术、变频器应用技术、伺服驱动应用技术、人机界面与网络控制技术、电气自动化系统集成等课程的实训装置很有必要。装置接近工业现场,有利于学生的动手能力和操作技能培养,同时由于不需要对控制机构端子进行频繁拆装,减少了控制机构的故障率,降低了实训装置的维护成本。
课题项目:长沙民政职业技术学院“各类 课题校级培育项目”项目(21mypy49)
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)14-0057-06
Development and Practice of Electrical Automation Comprehensive Training Device Based on PLC
WANG Hongyan
(Changsha Social Work College, Changsha 410004, China)
Abstract: The paper studies the current development of automation comprehensive training device, and reports the current situation and technical background of development and practice. It is necessary to develop a training device guided by the cultivation of students, professional core competence and designed with a separate and open mode to meet the courses of control motor application technology, PLC application technology, frequency converter application technology, servo drive application technology, man-machine interface and network control technology, electrical automation system integration and so on. The device is close to the industrial site, which is conducive to the cultivation of students, practical ability and operation skills. At the same time, for there is no need to disassemble and assemble the terminals of the control mechanism frequently, the failure rate of the control mechanism is reduced and the maintenance cost of the training device is reduced.
Keywords: training device; electrical automation technology; comprehensive training
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