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(三峡大学机械与动力学院,湖北 宜昌 443002)

摘  要:为了给室外智能移动设备提供可视化的三维模型,需要对部分场景单独进行三维重建。本文将无人机进行倾斜摄影与地面三维激光扫描技术有效结合,采用无人机倾斜摄影和地面三维激光扫描采集场景数据,经过数据处理和改进的 ICP 算法配准融合,实现对三维场景模型重建。从而提高场景三维模型的质量,为智能移动设备在三维场景中运行提供了基础条件。



中图分类号:TP391.9                                文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)14-0075-05

3D Scene Modeling Based on Oblique Photography and Ground Laser Scanner

LU Chao

(College of Mechanical & Power Engineering of China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China)

Abstract: In order to provide a visual 3D model for outdoor intelligent mobile devices, it is necessary to reconstruct part of scenes separately. In this paper, UAV oblique photography and ground 3D laser scanning technology are effectively combined. UAV oblique photography and ground 3D laser scanning are used to collect scene data. After data processing and improved ICP algorithm registration fusion, 3D scene model reconstruction is realized. As a result, the quality of scene 3D model is improved, and the basic conditions are provided for the intelligent mobile devices to run in the 3D scene.

Keywords: point cloud fusion; oblique photography; laser scanning; 3D scene modeling


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