摘 要:电力在对人们生活的影响日益加深的同时,也带来了更大的火灾隐患。相关数据统计显示,电气火灾的第一大成因就是故障电弧。为提高串联型故障电弧检测的准确度,针对串联故障电弧的隐蔽性、随机性与不稳定性,文章提出基于谐波与SVM 的串联故障电弧检测方法。通过自主搭建串联故障电弧实验平台以采集正常运行电路与产生串联故障电弧时的谐波数据,并以此为参数作为 SVM 的输入变量建立模型。研究结果表明,基于 SVM 的串联故障电弧检测方法,识别串联故障电弧的准确率较高,具有一定的可行性与有效性。
中图分类号:TP181;TM501 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)15-0051-04
Series Fault Electric Arc Recognition Method Based on Support Vector Machine
WU Shanshan, ZHANG Cong, ZHAO Huanhuan, YANG Caiwei
(School of Energy and Power Engineering, Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun 130012, China)
Abstract: While the influence of electric power on people’s life is deepening, it also brings greater fire hazards. Relevant statistics show that the first major cause of electrical fire is fault arc. In order to improve the accuracy of series fault arc detection, aiming at the concealment, randomness and instability of series fault electric arc, a series fault electric arc detection method based on harmonic and SVM is proposed in this paper. The series fault electric arc experimental platform is built independently to collect the harmonic data of normal operation circuit and series fault electric arc, and take this as the parameter and take this parameter as the input variable of SVM to establish the model. The results show that the series fault electric arc detection method based on SVM has high accuracy of identifying series fault electric arc, which has a certain feasibility and effectiveness.
Keywords: series fault electric arc; harmonics; SVM
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