摘 要:电路分析教学中,求解电路的基本方法一般有支路电流法、回路电流法、节点电压法等,对于不同的电路三种求解方法各具优劣。文章针对电路基本分析方法教学过程中的教学设计、教学方法进行了详细阐述,并在求解方法的讲解过程中避开一些不易于理解的参数。对教师厘清教学思路、学生尽快理解这三种求解方法具有一定帮助作用。
基金项目:安徽省 2017 年省级质量工程 电路分析精品开放课程(2017kfk115);省级 一流本科人才示范引领基地(2018rcsfjd013); 省级“六卓越、一拔尖”卓越人才培养创新项目 (2019zyrc094)
中图分类号:TM133 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)15-0063-04
Discussion on Teaching Ideas and Methods of Basic Circuit Analysis Methods
FAN Chenghua, ZHANG Xiuru, ZHANG Guoqiang, ZHOU Yuanyuan, WANG Yiying
(School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Hefei Normal University, Hefei 230601, China)
Abstract:In the teaching of circuit analysis, the basic methods to solve circuit generally include branch current analysis, loop current analysis and node voltage method and so on. These three methods show their own advantages and weaknesses for different circuits. This paper expounds the teaching design and teaching methods in the teaching process of basic circuit analysis methods, and avoids some parameters that are not easy to understand in the explanation process of solution methods. It is helpful for teachers to clarify teaching ideas and students to understand three solution methods as soon as possible.
Keywords: branch current analysis; loop current analysis; node voltage method; teaching design
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