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关于LED 光源黑化和排查方法的研究
(深圳市灯光环境管理中心,广东 深圳 518036)

摘  要:本文对LED 光源的黑化问题进行了研究、分析。经过研究后发现:除了因电源电压超高而击穿LED 芯片;因电流值超过额定电流而烧毁LED 芯片,还与LED 贴片的支架有很大的关系。支架内的镀银层在硫及卤化物存在的情况下,会使镀银层硫化或者卤化,进而生成深色或黑色的化合物晶体,导致LED 的光通量下降,直至完全失效。所以,必须对LED 光源的材料单元进行排查,以排除LED 中期失效和寿命期望值内的失效的因素。此外,本文中笔者还对镀银层硫化或者卤化的排查设备和排查方法作了简要的介绍。

关键词:LED 光源;黑化;排查方法;研究

中图分类号:TN312.8         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0034-03

Research on the Method of Blackening and Investigation of LED Light Source
XU Haiwen
(Shenzhen Lighting Environment Management Center,Shenzhen 518036,China)

Abstract:The problem of blackening of LED light source is studied and analyzed in this paper. In this research,it is found that the LED chip is broken through in addition to the high power supply voltage,and the LED chip is burned down because the current value exceeds the rated current,and it has a great relationship with the LED patch bracket. In the presence of sulfur and halides,the silver coating in the bracket causes the silver coating to be vulcanized or halogenated,and produces a dark or black compound crystal that leads to a decrease in the luminous flux of the LED until it is completely invalid. Therefore,the material elements of the LED light source must be investigated to eliminate the failure factors of LED medium term failure and life expectancy. In addition,a brief introduction is given to the equipment and methods of checking and curing the silver coating.

Keywords:LED light source;blackening;troubleshooting method;research


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