摘 要:文章介绍了一种应用于 W 频段的新型微带平行耦合滤波器。由于采用低损耗的石英基片,该滤波器成为 W 频段集成化低损耗带通滤波器。实测结果表明:该滤波器在 4.8 GHz 的带宽内,损耗优于 2 dB,驻波比优于 2,对偏离中心频率12.2 GHz 的下边带信号的抑制大于 50 dBc,对偏离中心频率 11.8 GHz 的上边带信号的抑制大于 30 dBc。相较于传统的腔体滤波器,该滤波器具有体积小、重量轻、易于一体集成等优点,非常适合与 W 频段的芯片集成,可大幅度减小收发组件的体积重量。
关键词:W 频段;平行耦合微带线;薄膜电路;石英基片
中图分类号:TN713 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)24-0059-04
Research on W-band Microstrip Parallel Coupled Filter Based on Quartz Substrate
(Southwest China Research Institute of Electronic Technology, Chengdu 610036, China)
Abstract: This paper introduces a novel microstrip parallel coupled filter applied to W-band. Due to the use of low loss quartz substrate, the filter becomes a W-band integrated low loss bandpass filter. The experimental results show that within the bandwidth of 4.8 GHz, the loss of the filter is better than 2 dB, the standing wave ratio is better than 2, the suppression of the lower sideband signal deviated from the center frequency of 12.2 GHz is greater than 50 dBc, and the suppression of the upper sideband signal deviated from the center frequency of 11.8 GHz is greater than 30 dBc. Compared with the traditional cavity filters, this filter has advantages of small volume, light weight, and easy integration. Therefore, it is very suitable for integration with W-band chip, and can greatly reduce the volume and weight of T/R module.
Keywords: W-band; parallel coupled microstrip line; thin film circuit; quartz substrate
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作者简介:蔡喆(1982.09—),男,汉族,四川绵阳人,工程师, 硕士,研究方向:毫米波组件电路。