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城市轨道交通车站综合监控等系统的 防雷接地方案探讨
(中铁电气化勘测设计研究院有限公司,天津 300250)

摘  要:针对目前城市轨道交通车站综合监控系统、火灾自动报警系统(FAS)、环境与设备监控系统(BAS)、门禁系统防雷接地方案存在不够全面、规范的问题,通过深入分析轨道交通弱电监控系统、车站综合接地系统的特点,结合国家相关防雷接地技术规范的要求和我国多个城市轨道交通系统相关实践经验,提出上述综合监控等系统在车站的具体防雷接地技术方案,重点对雷电防护分区、接地、防电涌措施、线缆敷设的建议方案进行了阐述。



中图分类号:TP273+.5                                    文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0044-05

Discussion on Lightning Protection and Grounding Scheme of Comprehensive Monitoring System of Urban Rail Transit Station

XU Jian, JIANG Yongbing

(China Railway Electrification Survey Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300250, China)

Abstract: In view of the incomplete and non-standard problems in the scheme of lightning protection and grounding of current urban rail transit station comprehensive monitoring system, Fire Alarm System (FAS), Building Automatic System (BAS), and entrance guard system, through analyzing deeply the characteristics of the rail transit weak current monitoring system and the station comprehensive grounding system, this paper combines with the requirements of national relevant grounding for lightning technical specifications and relevant practical experience of many urban rail transit systems in China. It proposes the specific grounding for lightning technical scheme of the above comprehensive monitoring systems in the station, and focuses on expounding the suggested scheme of lightning protection partition, grounding, surge prevention measure and cable laying.

Keywords: urban rail transit; comprehensive monitoring; FAS; BAS; entrance guard system; lightning protection; grounding


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