摘 要:功率开关模块是一个脉冲宽度调制单元,是 DF100A 型 PSM 短波发射机中重要的组成部分,在对发射机的日常维护中,它是重要的部分之一。文章对功率开关模块的工作原理进行了深入地研究,对功率开关模块的组成进行详细地介绍,并结合日常工作中发现的故障,从电路原理上对典型故障进行分析,给出处理方法。对发射机日常维护具有很好的参考作用。
中图分类号:TN303 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)04-0066-04
The Introduction and Typical Fault Analysis of Power Switch Module of Type DF100A PSM Short-Wave Transmitter
XU Qian
(National Radio and Television Administration 761, Yongan 366025, China)
Abstract: The power switch module is a pulse width modulation unit, it is an important part of type DF100A PSM short-wave transmitter, and it is one of the important parts in the daily maintenance of transmitter. This paper studies the working principle of power switch module deeply, introduces the composition of power switch module in detail, and combines with the faults founded in the daily work, analyzes typical faults from the principle of circuit, and gives the treatment method. It plays a good reference role in transmitter routine maintenance.
Keywords: DF100A; power switch module; power control panel; fault analysis
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