摘 要:针对自主研发的一款千兆以太网物理层收发器(GPHY)的功能测试,设计了 GPHY 的测试系统。为便于定位测试中的问题,按照信号流将测试分为三个阶段:先进行内回环测试,再进行外回环测试,最后移植 LwIP 实现 ping 测试。采用一款 Cortex-M4 内核具备 GMAC(Gigabit Media Access Control)外设的 MCU 作主设备,实现了 GPHY 的功能测试程序。在程序中,创建了可动态调整的系统日志和结构化的多参数函数接口,使得查看测试结果和进行压力测试更加简便。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)07-0042-04
Function Test Method for Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver
LIU Wenyuan
(Network Communication Institute of CETC, Shijiazhuang 050011, China)
Abstract: In view of the function test of the Gigabit Physical Layer Transceiver (GPHY), this paper designs a GPHY test system. In order to easily locate the problems in the test, the test is divided into three stages according to the signal flow. Firstly it conducts the inner loop test, then conducts the outer loop test, and finally transplants the LwIP to achieve the ping test. This paper uses a Cortex-M4 kernel and MCU with GMAC (Gigabit Media Access Control) peripheral as the master device to realize the GPHY function test program. In the test program, it creates the dynamically adjustable system log and the structured multi-parameters function interface, which make it handier to view test results and perform stress tests.
Keywords: GPHY; function test; GMAC; Cortex-M4; LwIP
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