摘 要:文章介绍一种机载雷达侦察系统复杂电磁环境下侦测能力地面模拟试验方法,分别对试验环境构建、试验项目规划、试验实施流程及测试与评估设备的要求和组成进行了较为详细的说明。实际的工程应用表明,机载雷达侦察系统复杂电磁环境下侦测能力地面模拟试验方法科学有效地指导了复杂电磁环境模拟、试验项目总体规划、测试与评估设备设计及试验实施。较好地实现了全面、充分地检验复杂电磁环境下机载雷达侦察系统侦测能力的目的,为系统的研制提供了有力支撑。
中图分类号:TN974 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)08-0048-05
A Ground Simulation Test Method for Detecting Capability of Airborne Radar Reconnaissance System in Complex Electromagnetic Environment
YAO Huafei
(The 27th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Zhengzhou 450047, China)
Abstract: This paper introduces a ground simulation test method for detection capability of airborne radar reconnaissance system in complex electromagnetic environment, and describes in detail the construction of test environment, test project planning, test implementation process and the requirements and composition of test and evaluation equipment. The practical engineering application shows that the ground simulation test method of detection capability of airborne radar reconnaissance system in complex electromagnetic environment scientifically and effectively guides complex electromagnetic environment simulation, the overall planning of test projects, the design of test and evaluation equipment and the implementation of tests. It has achieved the goal of comprehensively and fully testing the detection capability of airborne radar reconnaissance system in complex electromagnetic environment, and provided strong support for system development.
Keywords: airborne radar reconnaissance system; radar signal simulator; complex electromagnetic environment
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