摘 要:针对市场上用电器节约用电效果不理想和用电安全无法保障两大问题,设计了一种基于 SUI-101A 的用电器分析识别装置。该装置以 STM32 单片机为核心,采用 SUI-101A 交流电能计量模块作为主要采集电路,实现了实时测量和显示用电器的电压有效值、电流有效值、有功功率和功率因数等一系列电参量的功能。在装置的硬件基础上,利用单片机处理模块中的算法程序,可分析识别并学习多种用电器的不同工作状态。
中图分类号:TM933.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)09-0063-04
Design of Electrical Appliance Analysis and Identification Device Based on SUI-101A
HU Geyou, ZHANG Qinke, HU Hui, ZHANG Renming, WANG Xuming
(College of Information Science and Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
Abstract: In view of the two major problems that the effect of saving electricity is not ideal and the safety of electricity can not be guaranteed in the market, an analysis and identification device for electrical appliance based on SUI-101A is designed. With STM32 singlechip microcomputer as the core and SUI-101A AC energy metering module as the main acquisition circuit, the device realizes the function of real-time measuring and displaying a series of electrical parameters such as voltage RMS, current RMS, active power and power factor of electrical appliance. Based on the hardware of the device, the algorithm program in the single-chip microcomputer processing module can be used to analyze, identify and learn the different working states of various electrical appliances.
Keywords: SUI-101A; electric energy measurement; analysis of electrical appliance
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