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0.8~18 GHz 放大衰减多功能芯片
(成都嘉纳海威科技有限责任公司,四川 成都 610220)

摘  要:文章介绍了基于 GaAs 0.15 μm pHEMT 工艺的 0.8 ~ 18 GHz 放大衰减多功能芯片的设计,给出了在片测试结果。该芯片集成了共源共栅行波放大单元、三位数控衰减单元和三位并行驱动单元,在 0.8 ~ 18 GHz 的超宽带频率范围内,噪声系数典型值≤ 4.5 dB,增益≥ 11 dB,且具有 3 dB 的正斜率,P-1 大于 13 dBm,输入输出驻波≤ 1.8,3 bit 数控衰减单元 2/4/8 dB,衰减精度≤ 0.5 dB。其中放大器采用单电源 +3.3 V 供电,工作电流小于 60 mA,TTL 驱动电路采用 -5 V 供电,工作电流小于 3 mA。芯片尺寸为:2.6 mm×2.8 mm×0.1 mm。

关键词:pHEMT;0.8 ~ 18 GHz;放大衰减多功能芯片


中图分类号:TN72                                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)02-0053-04

0.8 18 ~ GHz Amplification and Attenuation Multi-Function Chip

LIU Ying, LIAO Xuejie, WU Haifeng, WANG Cetian, HUA Yunan

(Chengdu Ganide Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610220, China)

Abstract: In this paper, the design of 0.8~18 GHz amplification and attenuation multi-function chip based on GaAs 0.15 μm pHEMT process is introduced, and on wafer test results are presented. The chip integrates Cascade traveling wave amplifier, 3-bit digital attenuator and the TTL drive circuit. In the 0.8~18 GHz ultra wideband frequency range, the typical values of noise coefficient is less than and equal to 4.5 dB, a gain is more than and equal to 11 dB, and it has 3 dB Positive Slope, the P-1 is more than 13 dBm, the input and output of VSWR are less than and equal to 1.8, the 3-bit digital attenuator 2/4/8 dB, the battenuation accuracy is less than and equal to 0.5 dB. The amplifier uses the single +3.3 V power supply, and the working current is less than 60 mA. The TTL drive circuit uses the -5 V power supply, and the working current is less than 3 mA. The chip size is 2.6 mm×2.8 mm ×0.1 mm.

Keywords: pHEMT; 0.8 ~ 18 GHz; amplification and attenuation multi-function chip


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