摘 要:当今用电节能是全社会普遍关注的问题,其中高校教室照明节能是关乎节约型高校创建成败的主要因素。目前大多数高等院校还没有重视教室照明方面存在的问题,比如教室照度不足、照明效率较低和电能浪费严重等问题。针对这些实际问题,本文设计的智能教室照明节能系统可以避免许多不必要的电能浪费,既能给人们提供照明的方便,又能节约电力资源,提高电力资源的利用率。
中图分类号:TN915.853;TP212.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0040-03
Design of Electric Energy Saving System for College Classrooms
LI Weize
(Changzhou University,Changzhou 213000,China)
Abstract:Electric energy saving is a common concern of the whole society today,especially in the energy saving of collegeclassrooms,which is mainly about the main factors which are about the success or failure of the economized universities. At present,mostcolleges and universities do not attach importance to the problems of classroom lighting,such as insufficient illumination in classroom,low lighting efficiency and serious waste of electricity. In view of these practical problems,the design of intelligent classroom lightingenergy saving system can avoid many unnecessary waste of electricity,not only provide people with convenient lighting,but also savepower resources,and improve the utilization of power resources.
Keywords:lighting energy saving;intelligent control;single chip microcomputer;LED;clock chip
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