摘 要:随着水平结构LED 市场的竞争越来越残酷,提高产品性能和质量成为各芯片大厂的当务之急。本文在水平结构LED 上制备了4 种不同Al 层厚度的Cr/Al/Cr/Au 结构电极,通过比对其电压、亮度和可靠性发现:2500Å-7500Å 范围内,Al 层厚度每增大1000Å,LED 的电压会降低约0.01V,且亮度和可靠性不变;当Al 层厚度增大到10000Å 以上时,Al 层侧面出现无Au 覆盖缺口,电极Al 层容易被氧化、腐蚀,周围出现黑色鼓包异常,对LED 的电压、亮度和可靠性造成毁灭性影响。
关键词:水平结构LED;电极;Al 层
中图分类号:TN406;TM923.34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0053-03
The Influence of the Al Layer Thickening on the Performance of the Horizontal Structure LED Chip
MA Jieyuan1,YIN Yuting1,ZHOU Ting2
(1.Xi'an BIO-pharmaceutical Incubator Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an 710077,China;
2. Beilin District of Xi'an Creative Industry Development Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an 710068,China)
Abstract:As the competition in the horizontal structure LED market becomes more and more cruel,how to improve product performance and quality become the priority of each chip maker. In this paper,four kinds of Cr/Al/Cr/Au structure electrodes with different Al layer thicknesses were fabricated on LED with horizontal structure. By comparing their voltage,luminance and reliability,it was found that in the range of 2500Å to 7500Å,the LED voltage were reduced by about 0.01V with each increase of 1000 Å thickness of Allayer,and the brightness and reliability remain unchanged. When the thickness of Al layer was increased to more than 10000 Å,there was some gap without Au covered on the side of the Al layer,and the Al layer of the electrode was easily oxidized and corroded,resulting in the black drum around,which would have a devastating effect on the voltage,the brightness and the reliability of the LED.
Keywords:horizontal structure LED;electrical pad;Al layer
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作者简介:马介渊(1982.05 -),男,陕西西安人,硕士, 中级工程师。研究方向:LED、半导体。