摘 要:文章介绍了基于FME 软件处理大比例尺地形图中等高线圆滑的相关技术,并以乌鲁木齐市区域的平原和山地为例,阐述了基于FME 软件的抽稀算法、圆滑算法、消除尖角等处理方法,最终使生成的等高线光滑美观,且未改变实际的地形起伏变化。实践表明,将FME 工程保存为软件模板,不仅容易更换数据源,实用性强,还可以根据实际地形情况调整算法参数,极大地提升了地形图中等高线整饰的工作效率和质量。
关键词:FME 模板;等高线;圆滑处理
中图分类号:P284 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0038-03
Research on the Application of FME Software in Contour Line Smoothing ofTopographic Map
XU Guangyan,ZHANG Yue
(Urumqi Urban Institute of Geotechnical Investigation Surveying and Mapping(Urumqi Basic Geographic Information Center),Urumqi 830000,China)
Abstract:This paper introduces relevant technologies by using the FME software to process the contour smoothing in large scaletopographical map,and takes the plain and mountain of Urumqi area as an example,this paper expounds the rarefying algorithm,smoothing algorithm,eliminating sharp angle based on FME software. Finally,the contour lines generated are smooth and beautiful without changing the actual terrain fluctuations. The practice indicates that the approach to save FME engineering software as a template not only can change the data source more easily and convenient,and it can also adjust the parameters of algorithm according to the actual terrain and greatly improve the work efficiency and quality of contour trims in the topographic map.
Keywords:FME template;contour line;smoothing treatment
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作者简介:徐光岩(1984-),男,湖南岳阳人,工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向:数字城市、城市测绘、3S 技术等。