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非现金支付方式在高速公路MTC 收费中的应用与探讨
(福建省高速公路集团有限公司龙岩管理分公司,福建 龙岩 364000)

摘  要:非现金支付方式在高速公路MTC 收费中的应用有助于高速公路通行费用支付方式的丰富与完善,也可以在发掘现有收费车道的通行能力的基础上,提升高速公路收费站的通行效率。本文主要对高速公路MTC 车道电子支付方式的需求与非现金支付方式的实现问题进行了探究。

关键词:非现金支付方式;高速公路MTC 收费;电子支付设备;通行效率

中图分类号:U495         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0043-03

Application and Discussion of Non Cash Payment in Expressway MTC Charges
LIU Wenjie
(Fujian Expressway Group Co.,Ltd.,Longyan Management Branch,Longyan 364000,China)

Abstract:The application of non cash payment in the toll collection of expressway MTC helps to enrich and improve the way of payment for expressway toll,and on the basis of exploring the capacity of existing toll lanes to improve the efficiency of highway toll stations.This paper mainly explores the demand for electronic payment of expressway MTC lane and the realization of non cash payment method.

Keywords:non cash payment;expressway MTC charges;electronic payment equipment;traffic efficiency


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