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基于ZigBee 和人脸检测的灯光控制系统
(华南农业大学,广东 广州 510642)

摘  要:随着人们对绿色节能生活高质量的追求,智慧城市逐渐发展兴起。人们对建筑节能环保的设计要求在不断提高。而建筑照明是建筑耗能的主要指标之一,因此人们对其节能性要求也越来越高。随着智慧城市的建设与发展,对建筑节能环保的设计要求也越来越高。建筑照明作为建筑耗能的主要部分之一,对其节能性也提出了较高要求。本项目设计了一套基于ZigBee和人脸识别的灯光控制系统,该系统充分利用了ZigBee、人脸检测等技术,可以对室内的灯光进行分区域控制,从而达到节约用电的效果。


中图分类号:TP272        文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0043-03

Lighting Control System Based on ZigBee and Face Detection

ZHENG Wenkai,TAN Baihong,LIN Xiaohong,JIANG Zihong,YANG Minghao

(South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China)

Abstract:With the pursuit of green energy saving and high quality of life,smart cities are developing gradually. People’sdesign requirements for building energy conservation and environmental protection are constantly improving. Building lighting is one ofthe main indicators of building energy consumption,so people are increasingly demanding for its energy-saving. With the constructionand development of smart city,the design requirements for building energy conservation and environmental protection are getting higherand higher. As one of the main parts of building energy consumption,building lighting also requires higher energy efficiency. Thisproject designs a lighting control system based on ZigBee and face recognition. The system makes full use of ZigBee and face detectiontechnology,and can control indoor lighting in different areas,so as to save electricity.

Keywords:lighting control;ZigBee;face detection;zone detection


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作者简介:郑文楷(1997-),男,汉族,广东潮州人,本科, 研究方向:电子技术与计算机应用。