摘 要:当今社会,因家居漏水产生的安全问题和水压偏低造成的生活不便时有发生。随着科技发展日新月异,仅靠人力来实现供水安全是不够的,而借助现代化高科技的传感器、智能控制等技术来辅助人们进行家居智能供水是一种最理想、最高效的方法。家居智能供水系统是智能家居的一部分,通过红外热释传感器、流量传感器、水压增压器等元器件实现家庭供水的智能化控制,能有效防止家居漏水现象,保证水压正常,为离家的人们解决后顾之忧。
中图分类号:TP273;TU855 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0040-03
Design of Home Intelligent Water Supply System
LYU Yikai1,HAN Yun2
(1.No.1 Senior Middle School of Shouguang,Shouguang 262700,China;
2.Weifang University of Science and Technology,Shouguang 262700,China)
Abstract:Today,it is occurred from time to time that house hold safety problems about water leak and low water pressure,which causes the inconvenience of life. With the rapid development of science and technology,it is not enough to rely on manpower to achieve water supply security,home intelligent water supply taking advantage of sensors and intelligent control technology is one of the most ideal and efficient method. Home intelligent water supply system is a part of smart home. Intelligent control of home water supply can be realized by infrared pyroelectric sensor,flow sensor,water pressure supercharger and other components. It can effectively prevent water leakage at home,ensure normal water pressure,and solve the worries of people leaving home.
Keywords:smart home;single chip microcomputer;sensor;water supply system
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